“When you go home, tell them of us, and say for your tomorrow we gave our today.”

Wars 1899 - 1945

Boer War 

Length of War: 1899-1902
Numbers of Australians involved in the campaign: 16,463 troops
Numbers of Australian troops who died: 600
Numbers taken prisoner: 200 approximately
Prime Minister: Australia became a Federation in 1901 and Edmund Barton was elected the first Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia.

World War 1

Length of War: 1914-1919
Numbers of Australians involved in the war: 416,809 troops
Numbers of Australian troops who died: 60,000
Numbers taken prisoner: 4,220 approximately
Prime Ministers: 
Joseph Cook (Commonwealth Liberal Party) 1913-1914
Andrew Fisher (Labor) 1914–1915
William Hughes (Labor) 1915-1923 

World War 2

Length of War: 1939-1945
Numbers of Australians involved in the war: 993,000
Numbers of Australian troops who died: 39,366
Numbers taken prisoner: 31,404 approximately, Military Nurses 60 and Merchant Navy 238
Prime Ministers: 
Robert Menzies (United Australia Party) 1939-1941
Arthur Fadden (Country Party) 1941 (29th August to 7th October)
John Curtin (Labor) 1941-1945