FINCHAM, William Nathaniel 5 (QLD IMPERIAL BUSHMAN) 516 Captured 27/9/1901 Mokari Drift Caledon River
FISHER, Charles Edward NSW LANCERS Warrant Officer-POW-rejoined Waterval 6/6/1900. Also served Burmese War 1885, 1887, 1889
FORCE, Harold 2nd Western Australian Mounted Infantry 13 Trooper WIA captured Waterval Onder 4/9/1900 awared DCM
FRASER, John Edward NSW INF (1 MNTD RIFLES) 129 Captered at Maeders Farm 26/2/1900: Released Pretoria 6/6/1900. Later served in WW1 earning a DSO & MID (twice)
GELLATLY, Arthur Vivian 1st Western Australian Mounted Infantry 58 WIA captured Waterval Onder 4/9/1900
GIFFORD, Alfred Ernest 1 VIC CNT GNT 70 Taken POW at Hobkirks Farm 12/2/1900: Released Pretoria 6/6/1900
GILLIES, Neil Patrick NSW Citizens Bushmen 246 Trooper captured Haenertsberg 16/4/1900 later Sergeant with Waldrons Scouts later KIA WW1
GLEN, Alexander Henry 2 Western Australian Mounted Infantry 62 Private WIA & captured Willowmore 6/2/1901
HALL, John Joseph 5 (QLD IMPERIAL BUSHMAN) 282 L/Corporal Wounded and taken POW at Mokari Drift/ Caledon River 27/9/1901